Four Yoga Poses to Try at Home

download dog yoga pose to try at home


We live in a first-paced world swamped with schedules streaming from dusk till dawn. And sadly, there isn't much room left for mental or physical awareness. Yoga is one of the most valuable practices that could help you get in touch with your body and keep your health robust. While this practice has been there since the dawn of centuries, recently, it has gained incredible traction owing to its massive wealth of benefits. What's more impressive is how you could practice yoga at your home or any free environment. In this article, we will discuss yoga, the types of yoga poses, and how they could impact your life.


What is yoga


Yoga is an ancient practice that involves a variety of mental, physical, and spiritual exercises. The word yoga means union—uniting harmoniously with your thoughts and physical body. The practice was popularized in the west by Indra Devi with her 1948 publications "on yoga: the technique of health and happiness." There are diverse forms of yoga practices, and ultimately each is attributable to some benefits.


Four simple yoga poses


Standing forward bend


 triangle yoga pose


The standing forward pose is a great exercise to stretch your calves or hamstrings. It also helps with reducing back pain that comes from poor posture. To perform the standing forward bend.


  1. Begin by standing with your feet close together. Then clasp your arms behind you at waist level.
  2. Pull a deep breath as you raise your arms high up the ceiling. Keep your back straightened.
  3. As you exhale, bend forward from your hips, keeping your legs straight as possible. (This could be modified for those having knee problems)
  4. Reach your arm down towards your toes, allowing your head to hang loosely. Your palms should be touching the floor, but if it doesn't, no need to worry.
  5. Keep breathing through this posture for two to three minutes.


  • Stretches and strengthens the lower back muscles when carried out approximately without bending the knee
  • Stimulates organs and intestine and subsequently fixes digestive problems such as bloating or constipation.
  • It can help reduce anxiety by improving blood circulation and calming the mind.


Downward facing dog:


downward dog yoga pose


It is a basic yoga pose geared to improve posture and relieve stress. The name comes from its resemblance to a dog waiting for dinner to be served.


  1. Start by standing kneeling on a flat surface with hands extended straight outwards, touching the floor.
  2. Raise your hips towards the ceiling by engaging your feet.
  3. Straighten your legs, so you make an inverted perfect v shape.
  4. Stay in this position for a while, trying to breathe gently.



  • The downward-facing dog helps to stretch the entire body, including the spine and abdominal muscles.
  • It's a great way to improve circulation throughout the body after spending hours working on a computer without taking a break.
  • It can improve moods and mental health given its anti-stress property.


Mountain pose:

The mountain pose is one of the simplest famous poses in yoga practices. It provides the foundation for all other poses.


  1. Stand tall like a majestic mountain with your feet close together or rather hips-width apart. Ensure your sides drop your arms.
  2. Spread your toes upwards and root them back to the ground; that way, you ensure you are firmly rooted to the ground.
  3. Rollback your shoulder to keep a straightened posture
  4. Engage your quad muscle (front of thighs) and lift yourself using your toes while maintaining a straight back, including the tailbone.
  5. Maintain this pose for 2-3 minutes with gentle breathing



  1. It helps stretch out muscles in both arms, chest shoulders, thus providing relief from tension
  2. Mountain pose helps improves your posture and symmetrical balance
  3. It can be practiced anywhere—at home, living room, or outside
  4. When you adopt this posture for meditation, it increases concentration by relaxing the nervous system.


Triangle Pose:


triangle yoga pose


The Triangle pose is a balancing pose that helps improve flexibilities and shape.


  1. Start by standing straight with your feet about three to four inches apart and perpendicular to each other.
  2. Project both of your arms straight outwards and perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Turn your left foot outwards at a right angle.
  4. Try to align your right foot with your left foot. That way, they are all bent towards the left.
  5. Bend sideways to the left and let your left fingers touch the left foot
  6. Keep the right arm straight and pointed to the ceiling
  7. Hold the position for five breaths; you should feel this stretching your ribs and abdominal muscles.
  8. Repeat the whole pattern while altering sides



  • Triangle Pose strengthens the core muscles by stretching out the spine and chest.
  • Triangle Pose is recommended for those with lower back pain or hip
  • Triangle Pose helps to improve body balance.


How can yoga change your life?

Most people's impression of yoga is a practice that makes you flexible. But really, there's way more to it than meets the eye. Psychologists and doctors are waking to a finding that yoga is a powerful healing tool like any other drug. Even if one is not a big fan of holistic practices, it's hard to deny the actual medicinal findings that yoga can restore your state of mind and body health. Some incredible yoga benefits include


Improves blood flow

Regular yoga practice improves your cardiovascular system by charging blood cells with oxygen and lowering the pulse rate for those who may struggle with hypertension. It also reduces the chances of heart diseases given its lowering of cholesterol levels.


Reduces depression

If you experience anxiety more frequently, you don't have to worry anymore. Recent findings show that breathing exercises that come with yoga can help to improve the nervous which subsequently calms the mind and reduces anxiety—the nervous system control involuntary processes such as breathing and blood circulation.


Improves the nature of sleep

Regular practice of yoga balances emotions as well as increasing serotonin levels, both of which are chief ingredients for better sleep. This can help in the treatment of sleep problems such as insomnia or restlessness.


If this article has helped you start your yoga practice at home and you know a friend, co-worker or family member who could benefit from this article. Share it with them because sharing is caring. Bless someone with the gift of inspiration and knowledge today. Sending love to you and all of our readers.  




Yoga journal. (2017). Standing forward bend. Retrieved from;

Yoga outlet . (2013). How to do mountain pose. Retrieved from;

Destination yoga. (2018). Downward dog. Retrieved from;

Class pass (2020). Triangle pose. Retrieved from;

Shohani et al. (2016). Effects of yoga on stress, anxiety and depression. Retrieved from;